Health Insurance Companies and the Ethics of Health Care…You Ain’t Gonna Believe This!

Motivational Speaker - Chuck Gallagher Business Ethics and Choices Expert

Some may know – especially those who have been following my most recent blogs related to a return of Prostate Cancer that I’ve been dealing with – but today was a Red Letter day when it comes to Health Insurance, Health Insurance Companies and how they ethically (oops unethically) deal with their customers.  I am not sure how we got here, but where we are when it comes to our health and how that is paid for is so broken it’s quite unbelievable.


healthcareToday was a follow up visit with my local doctor.  Nothing special and almost a waste of time, but the appointment was scheduled and kept.  Routine visit – weight, blood pressure, temperature, and nothing unusual.  Today I was to receive the results of my bone scan and CT scan, but since I got a CD with the data ready to send to the Mayo…

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Artrotter's Blog

You can’t ignore it.
On the same side of Piazza Duomo as Palazzo Reale, it shines from afar and as gradually one comes closer, curiosity increases.

Thursday evening, like many others.
I lose myself charmed looking around as I climb up slowly to the museum.
Despite the people, I enjoy the view from the transparent spiral glass walls that leads to the exhibition rooms

On the left, as a symbolic passage from Ottocento to Novecento, a dark wall with “Il Quarto Stato”, the impressive Masterpiece of Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo.


The first room, full of people, but almost dizzying in front of a wall with a Picasso’s “Femme nue” blue lighted but in all respects similar, as position and form with “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”. Painted in 1907, as the catalog says, more or less as “Les Demoiselles”

Next to it, another Picasso’s Masterpiece from the years ’12-’14, the cubist…

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